NFTNYC 2024 Spotlight

NFTNYC  2024  Spotlight
NFTNYC  2024  Spotlight

BoredIn Newsletter MBAs Research

At NFTNYC in 2024, April 3 - 5, 2024. the BoredIn community brought the BoredIn Newsletter to IRL Meetup, shining a spotlight on over 30+ communities and MBAs brands, with over 100 printed copies of BoredIn News available at Not NFTNYC, Big Apple ClubHouse event, and BoredBrunch.

#NFTNYC Spotlight Events:

1.BoredBrunch - Host by @BoredInApe
2.NotNFTNYC - Host by @AllOfUsRadio
3. Boring Yachis NFT- Host by @0xBoringYachts
4. New York City Ape Run - @BoredRunClub
5. Meetup at the ClubHouse;NYC - Host by @BigAppleApes
6. Laughing Ape Comedy - Host by @LaughingApeMBA

#NFTNYC Spotlight on MBAs Brand Page 1;

🍫 @frenschocolates ,🍡 @TheBoredTea ,πŸ’§ @ApeBeverages , πŸͺ @Flavorbank, πŸ’§@BoredBrewingCo , πŸ– @cheetahpit , πŸͺ‘ @HouseOGxyz, πŸ₯¨ @JcsSnacks ,πŸ₯‚@ApeVineLLC , πŸͺ‘@JoKorot

#NFTNYC Spotlight on MBAs Brand Page 2.

🍻@mutantsbeer 🎨 @BoredMindsClub πŸ₯‚@SpiritPunks_ ,πŸͺ @BoredSnax , πŸ”§@OtherPageHQ ,🌸@LadiesofBAYC , πŸͺ‘@boringmerch , πŸŽ™@AllOfUsRadio , πŸ”@Boredfoodiefren , 🎨@rocsolmiami

About the author


🦍 Ape Support Ape, Building πŸ—ž BoredIn MBA & IP Newsletter & Live space & 🍳Bored brunch events πŸ™Œ

BoredIn Newsletter

Made by Apes & IP News Research

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